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Warsaw Economic Seminars – “The Obstinacy of Gender Stereotypes: Evidence from the Found-in-Translation Task” [27.10.2022]

Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w kolejnym spotkaniu z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars, organizowanym wspólnie przez WNE UW i SGH.

Podczas spotkania mgr Patrycja Janowska-Widomska, studentka Międzydziedzinowej Szkoły Doktorskiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, przedstawi artykuł “The Obstinacy of Gender Stereotypes: Evidence from the Found-in-Translation Task” przygotowany wspólnie z dr. hab. Michałem Krawczykiem, prof. ucz.


The pursuit of science (especially exact sciences) is commonly associated with the male gender. This might have a lot of negative consequences, including discrimination and underrepresentation of female researchers at academia. We conduct two experiments with a series of conditions that make it gradually easier to avoid misattribution of gender of a female scholar. In a novel Found-in-Translation Task (FITT), we ask respondents to translate a short text concerning a male or a female academic from a gender-indistinguishable language (English) to a gender-discriminating language (Polish). The gender of the academic in question is not explicitly provided but can (and should) be googled in seconds. We find that male academics’ gender is almost never misattributed. By contrast, females’ gender is misattributed with frequency exceeding 80% even if the subject field is actually highly feminized and even if we encourage using Internet sources to avoid mistakes and we provide incentives to do so. Additionally, using the Implicit Association Test we check respondents’ implicit attitudes towards women and men in exact sciences and humanities and find some correlation with gender misattributions.

Seminarium odbędzie się 27 października 2022 r. o godz. 17:00 w formule hybrydowej: w sali B202 Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ul. Długa 44/50) oraz za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Link do spotkania: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/94952861067?pwd=eWFxK0N3SWJJdUNtZUQ4RDYxQ1loZz09

Meeting ID: 949 5286 1067

Passcode: 149259

Pełen kalendarz seminariów z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars jest dostępny na stronie: https://sites.google.com/site/warsaweconseminars/calendar


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