• Warsaw Economic Seminars – February 20

    The presentation will be delivered by Professor Martin Kahanec (CELSI and Central European University).

    We invite you to attend the seminar at the Faculty of Economic Sciences (room A203) or remotely. The seminar will begin at 17:00.

    Further details are available via the following link: https://www.wne.uw.edu.pl/en/research/conferences-and-seminars/upcoming-events/professor-martin-kahanec-be-guest-warsaw-economic-seminars.

  • The 10th PSEAP Conference

    The conference will be held on May 23-24 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences. Professor Elliott Ash from ETH Zurich and Professor Kathryn Spier from Harvard University will deliver the keynote addresses.

    The Call for Papers is open until March 1. For further details, please visit: http://www.pseap.org/en/2025-conference/.


    The conference will be held on June 6 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences.

    The Call for Papers remains open until February 28, 2025. Papers can be submitted via email to: ~La=2whik.TWd9UIsRSyZ8OeG]Xb3@6'/qx?&KJC]#[dBT*sjJWQ74GSz78YA3_q'2I&fLFw|!foe$+sT-2.

    For further details about the event, coordinated by CASE, please visit: https://www.euroframe.org/conferences.html.

  • 2nd Modern Finance Conference – September 7-9, 2025

    The keynote lecture will be delivered by Professor Iftekhar Hassan (Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University). Additionally, a workshop on publishing will be hosted by Professor Peter G. Szilagyi (EDHEC Business School).

    The paper submission deadline is June 30, 2025. Further information is available here: https://mf-conference.com/.

  • CEEJ – officially included in the Scopus!

    We are pleased to announce that the Central European Economic Journal has been indexed in Scopus, one of the leading academic databases in the world.

    This is a significant achievement for the journal and the entire research community, which will enhance its citation potential and strengthen its academic position.


  • The Faculty of Economic Sciences has full accreditation from the ACCA Association!

    Finance and Accounting (bachelor's and master's studies, graduates from 1 January 2026 to 31 December 2029) and Finance, International Investment and Accounting (bachelor's studies, graduates from 1 January 2026 to 31 December 2030) programmes have received re-accreditation and ACCA accreditation, respectively.

    This is a unique opportunity to shorten the path to obtaining the internationally recognised certificate of professional qualification.

  • Let’s make together economics in Warsaw

    We encourage you to watch the movie about the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw. The project financed by the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA) as a part of Welcome to Poland Programme (2020).


Image 21st EUROFRAME CONFERENCE – June 6, at the Faculty…
The conference will focus on the future of labour markets. The Call for Papers remains open until February 28, 2025.
Image Central European Economic Journal – indexed in Sco…
This signifies the strengthening of the journal’s academic position, as well as an increase in its visibility and citation potential.
Image The 2nd Modern Finance Conference at the Faculty o…
Image The Jubilee Conference to Celebrate the 20th Anniv…
The conference will take place on May 23-24. We encourage you to submit your papers. The Call for Papers will remain open until March 1.
Image Registration for the course
The subject is conducted by Prof. Stanisław Cichocki in cooperation with Citi.
Image The change of the library system of the University…
The library collection will be available for usage only on site. The possibility of registration, loans, and returns of books will be suspended.
Image ACCA DAY at the Faculty of Economic Sciences
ACCA DAY - dedicated to ACCA accreditation and the ACCELERATE scholarship - will be held at the Faculty of Economic Sciences on 10 October.
Image Inauguration of the academic year 2024/2025 of the…
During the ceremony on 02.10. new students commencing their education at the Faculty were welcomed.
Image QFRG and DSLab Seminar
Meeting will take place on October 7, 2024 (Monday) at 6:40 pm
On September 30th – October 1st, 2024, as part of the adaptation days for newly admitted students, an “International Day” was organized under the theme "Academic development and campus life."

Latest publications

Industrial robots and workers’ well-being in Europe

Working Papers, No 1/2025 (464)
Authors: Honorata Bogusz, Daniela Bellani

Informer in Algorithmic Investment Strategies on High Frequency Bitcoin Data

Working Papers, No 27/2024 (463)
Authors: Filip Stefaniuk, Robert Ślepaczuk