Student Organizations

studenci_grupa.pngOne of the foundations of the University's activity is the principle of self-governance and representation of all its groups in forming the laws and rules for the University's operations.

The members of the Students' Self-Government are all students of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, and their representatives sit on the Self-government Board, the Faculty Council, the Teaching Council, and the Students' Parliament of the University of Warsaw.

We would like to invite our students to join the student organisations -- both the Self-Government, as well as the dynamic faculty research groups, which bring together young researchers from various spheres and fields of economics and finance. They are part of the University's academic movement, which includes nearly 200 student and doctoral research and artistic clubs.

In addition to the research clubs, there are numerous student organisations for culture and sports at the University of Warsaw, and becoming part of them is a great way to broaden your interests with other enthusiasts.