Plenipotentiary for Equality

On October 1st 2022 Anna Janicka, Ph.D. has been appointed Plenipotentiary for equality at the Faculty of Economic Sciences by the Dean of the Faculty.

The main tasks of the Plenipotentiary include acting as a consultation and contact 'point' for discrimination cases and responding to reported cases through counselling or, with the consent of the reporting person, referring the case to the Ombudsman, as well as providing students and staff with information about the support system in the Faculty and the University and information about equality courses and training.

The Plenipotentiary can be contacted at the following email address: bt4I=%QgR?8PsNl1-2{75O#9hV~@]#[Ud+4*y/bA!rHb0&&vr*--Xkx^_o&.

General info is an UW equality website where you can find information and advice on prevention and counteracting of discrimination and forms of support, including:

  • information about types of discrimination,
  • information for persons who have experienced discrimination or witnessed it,
  • list of contacts at UW and outside the University,
  • information about equality initiatives, including Gender Equality Plan for UW,
  • Anti-discrimination Guidebook,
  • information about prevention of sexual harrasment 
  • information for students, scholars and administrative employees on trainings and courses,
  • Q&A - answers to frequently asked questions.

Educational activities and materials

We highly encourage you to have a look at available materials:

A list of courses offered by the University may be found here:

In particular, Understanding Equality is an online course offering knowledge about equal treatment and skills related to anti-discrimination. It is available in Polish and in English for employees and students.  For students: available as an OGUN each semester.
For employees: available on the Kampus platform in the section “Szkolenia dostępne dla wszystkich pracowników”

Preferred names and pronouns

Among the students / working people there are people who prefer a different name and pronouns than those indicated by their data in their ID card. Please respect this and address them according to their preferred name - in line with the university's common rule of treating everyone with respect.

Support in individual cases is provided by Ms Magdalena Miksa from the office of the Academic Ombudsman (Ombudsman UW), who helps to solve issues related to the name visible in USOS or on the attendance lists. 

Support by the Academic Ombudsman

The office of the Academic Obmbudsman is a place where you can report a conflict (between employees, between a student and an employee etc.) or discrimination and sexual harassment. The contact is confidential - your name and surname are not known to anyone except the person reporting and the person from the Ombudsman's office.

The Ombudsman offers:

  • Direct support for a person experiencing discrimination.
  • Information on available psychological help, redirection to the Psychological Assistance Center if necessary.
  • Contact with the faculty/ relevant academic unit and assistance in obtaining organizational support, e.g. in terms of changing class groups, changing exam dates, obtaining a sick leave or occasional leave, etc.
  • Educational activities towards the perpetrator, e.g. direct explanatory and educational conversation, conversation with the perpetrator's superiors, recommendation to participate in anti-discrimination training/ workshops.
  • Disciplining actions against the perpetrator - written signal to the supervisor, recommendation to initiate a formal complaint procedure.

Counteracting Unacceptable Behavior

On February 28th of this year, a new rector's ordinance No. 21 from February 28, 2024, regarding the policy of counteracting discrimination, mobbing, and other undesirable behaviors came into effect at the University of Warsaw. Currently, the University has a single procedure covering a wide range of unacceptable behaviors. An electronic form has been prepared for reporting any complaints regarding unequal treatment, discrimination (including harassment), mobbing, and other behaviors.

Psychological Counselling Center of the University of Warsaw
An initiative of University of Warsaw for people working and studying who experience various types of mental problems, low mood, etc. They cooperate with the Office for Persons with Disabilities.