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24.10.2022, 10:01

Seminarium doktoranckie „Relations in the power structure in the Soviet-type economy. Institutional analysis of the Polish People's Republic 1970-1981" [24.10.2022]

Podczas spotkania, które odbędzie się 24 października br. o godz. 15:00 mgr Dariusz Standerski, student studiów doktoranckich WNE UW przedstawi badanie „Relations in the power structure in the Soviet-type economy. Institutional analysis of the Polish People's Republic 1970-1981".

Opis badania:

In my dissertation, I conducted an institutional and behavioral analysis of the center of authority in the centrally planned economy in Poland. I analyzed the decision-making process and the flow of information between the levels of economic authority - from preparing assumptions for economic plans, through their adoption, to the implementation and assessment of the results. I described the relationships between economic actors and their mutual influence in the conditions of a non-market economy. I focused on three components of the center: the Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP), the Planning Commission, and the government. The three centers were not independent or isolated from each other - their influences intertwined not only due to the combining of many positions by decision-makers but even from the system’s point of view.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w formule hybrydowej: stacjonarnie w Sali A409 na Wydziale Nauk Ekonomicznych oraz za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Link do spotkania: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/91533433049?pwd=OUNzYzdXUjZsYmRGM1pRSWdMbmYvQT09

Meeting ID: 915 3343 3049

Access code: 400347

Osoby zainteresowane wzięciem udziału w seminariach lub prezentacją swoich badań, zapraszamy do kontaktu z prof. dr. hab. Janem Jakubem Michałkiem oraz Piotrem Manderą.