25.06.2024, 10:18

Nowy cykl seminariów na Wydziale Nauk Ekonomicznych UW - CEAPS

CEAPS - Centre for Economic Analyses of Public Sector związane jest z Katedrą Ekonomii Politycznej WNE UW. Planowany cykl seminariów poświęcony będzie zagadnieniem wokół tematyki ekonomii, prawa i nauk politycznych.

Pierwszy wykład pt. “Why Legal Origins Are Irrelevant to Economic Development and Fail as an Instrumental Variable?” wygłosi prof. Yun-chien Chang z Cornell University.

Językiem spotkania będzie angielski.

Zapraszamy 1 lipca br. o godz. 09:30 na Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, do sali A409. Osoby zainteresowane udziałem, które nie będą mogły pojawić się stacjonarnie, prosimy o kontakt pod adresem: NT^WF4.&JuVqCxvzm%wK=+Q]#[6BDL'{|o'2N`!%lrvg\AGw= (do 28 czerwca włącznie).

Poniżej prezentujemy treść abstraktu.


Is legal origin a valid instrumental variable for studies of economic development? To be a valid IV, legal origins must be correlated with the substance of the law that contributes to the outcome of interests. Although a large body of research has suggested that countries’ colonial experiences (including legal and colonial origins) are associated with a range of contemporary outcomes, the link between those experiences and the substance of their contemporary laws remains unclear. We explore this question while making three improvements over past research. First, we use more detailed data on both countries’ colonial experiences and their contemporary substantive laws. Second, we directly assess whether countries’ shared legal origins (i.e. whether they had a common law or civil law system) or their colonial origins (i.e. which country had previously colonized them) are more associated with differences in their contemporary laws. Third, we use a research design that makes it possible to assess the relationship between countries’ colonial experiences across different areas of contemporary laws while accounting for differences in the way those areas of law may have been measured and coded. We find that countries with shared legal origins have greater agreement in the substance of their contemporary laws compared to countries without shared legal origins, but that the effect is roughly twice as large for countries with shared colonial origins compared to those with shared legal origins. Moreover, this relationship is largely consistent across groups of former colonies. This suggests that the connection between a country’s colonial experience and its contemporary laws is likely attributable to long-lasting colonial effects or ongoing relationships with former colonizers, rather than the type of legal systems imposed during colonization.