31.10.2022, 18:02

Seminarium doktoranckie „ Trade policies in Central Asia after EAEU enlargement and after Russian WTO accession: Regionalism and integration into the world economy revisited” [07.11.2022]

Podczas spotkania, które odbędzie się 7 listopada br. o godz. 15:00 mgr Oleg Gurshev student studiów doktoranckich WNE UW przedstawi artykuł „ Trade policies in Central Asia after EAEU enlargement and after Russian WTO accession: Regionalism and integration into the world economy revisited”


This paper revisits the question of choice between regionalism and multilateralism in trade relations of Central Asia introduced by Pomfret (Pomfret in Economic Systems 29(1):32-58, 2005). Our study is motivated by a significant restoration of economic links between the former Soviet republics following Russian accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and the formation of new trade ties with Vietnam, Iran, and Serbia. Above all, there have been substantial commitments made by the three Central Asian republics of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan toward a multilateral system under the WTO rules. To this end, we apply a multi-region gravity model with interdependent trade flows using bilateral trade data of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan to study the ex-ante effects of economic integration with various bilateral, plurilateral, and multilateral partners. Our findings indicate the existence of considerable gains if the aforementioned economies would ascend to the EAEU in comparison to integration with China or Iran. We also document the presence of shared economic links between Tajikistan, Central Asia, and Turkey.

Spotkanie odbędzie się w formule hybrydowej: stacjonarnie w Sali A409 na Wydziale Nauk Ekonomicznych oraz za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Link do spotkania: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/91533433049?pwd=OUNzYzdXUjZsYmRGM1pRSWdMbmYvQT09

Meeting ID: 915 3343 3049

Access code: 400347

Osoby zainteresowane wzięciem udziału w seminariach lub prezentacją swoich badań, zapraszamy do kontaktu z prof. dr. hab. Janem Jakubem Michałkiem oraz Piotrem Manderą.