The Third Mission of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw

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The project entitled "The Third Mission of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw" is being implemented by the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw within the framework of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 "Third Mission of the University" Programme (agreement no. POWR.03.01.00-00-T241/18), which is co-financed by the European Social Fund

About the project

This training project is aimed at people who wish to broaden their knowledge and develop their skills in the field of economics, mathematics, and entrepreneurship.

We welcome people who want to stay professionally and socially active for as long as possible.

Taking part in the project will enable participants to improve competencies that are considered indispensable in social and economic life. The competitiveness of adults in the labour market will be improved and their preparation for fulfilling their professional duties or running their own businesses will be strengthened.

Young people will have the opportunity to prepare for further education at higher levels. At the same time, the risk of social exclusion will be reduced, and the professional activity of the participants will increase.

Course offered in English


This training project is intended to educate a total of 4,320 people over the 3 years (it is possible for some people to participate in several tasks). 

The main objective of the project is to increase the competencies of at least 1,680 primary and secondary school students (aged 12-19), who wish to broaden their knowledge in economics, mathematics, and entrepreneurship, as well as 823 adults who have completed their education but still want to develop in the above-mentioned areas, and 168 older adults and senior citizens who want to remain active for as long as possible.

The project will last 36 months, during which 8 activities are planned: 2 with the participation of young people (workshops, courses) and 6 with the participation of adults (training courses). It is assumed that due to the nature of the activities, at least 70% of the project participants will improve their competences in areas recognised as vital and needed in the labour market. As a result of the project implementation, participants will develop their knowledge and competencies, thereby strengthening their competitiveness in the labour market; they will also be better prepared to fulfil their professional duties or to run their own businesses (adults), and to undertake further education at higher levels (youth); at the same time, the risk of social exclusion will be reduced and the professional activity of participants will increase (older adults and senior citizens).

Project Objective: 

  • Workshops in "Economic Myth-busting" - zajęcia z ekonomii eksperymentalnej dla uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych; młodzież w wieku 15-19 lat weźmie udział w szkoleniach w swoich własnych szkołach na terenie Warszawy lub w sesjach wyjazdowych, adresowanych do szkół spoza Warszawy. W zadaniu weźmie udział 1500 osób.
  • Financial reporting courses - training for 450 adults who are economically active, unemployed, or looking to change their jobs. The courses will prepare participants to analyse the financial statements of companies and public institutions.
  • Academy of managerial skills - training series for adults who are employees of enterprises, public sector units, and non-governmental organisations, holding managerial positions, or preparing to take up such positions. A total of 360 people will take part in the classes. 
  • The practical school of innovative entrepreneurship - courses for 360 people of any status in the labour market, who are considering starting a business in the near future.
  • The mathematics of economics - activities planned for 900 students in the seventh and eighth grades of primary schools (youth aged 12-15). Course topics will include understanding selected mathematical and financial issues. 
  • English for the workplace - a training course on functioning in the labour market in an English-speaking environment. The classes will be addressed to 240 job seekers (those who have a job and want to change, as well as those without a job) with a good command of English at the level of at least B2.
  • Courses for senior citizens - activities dedicated to 270 senior citizens. They are aimed at the social activation of seniors through a specially designed training programme in entrepreneurship and economic sciences. The courses will take the form of thematic meetings on various economic issues.
  • Marketing local initiatives - a course aimed at the development of skills in the practical use of marketing tools, for 270 people to implement projects for the creation and promotion of offers related to the local community (e.g., tourism products, cultural and sporting events, etc.).

Project value: 5,107,413.34 PLN
European co-financing: 4,953,027.34 PLN
Project implementation period: 01.08.2020 - 31.07.2023


Section for Research and Publication
Faculty of Economic Sciences
University of Warsaw
ul. Długa 44/50, 00-241 Warszawa

room: 304
tel: 22 55 49 183
or 22 55 49 186
e-mail: qGh`]}f|y8K3j0F+Hx2YQo5]#[eBTPJcUf[SC|P98~Q^qOZ`|