Third Mission of the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Warsaw

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In cooperation with the Institute of English Studies at the University of Warsaw, the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw is implementing a project co-financed by the European Social Fund (as part of the "Third Mission of the University" programme, agreement no. POWR.03.01.00-00-T215/18), entitled "The Third Mission of the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Warsaw"


This training project is intended for people who want to broaden their knowledge and develop skills in the area of use of English. We invite those who want to stay professionally and socially active for as long as possible.

The project will enable participants to increase the competencies which are considered central and necessary in social and economic life. The competitiveness of adults in the labour market  will be strengthened and their readiness to fulfil official duties or conduct their own business activities will be improved, especially in the context of future employment in the education sector, in educational programmes with technical profiles.

Young people will have the opportunity to take a matriculation exam preparation course in English at an advanced level and to undertake further education at higher levels. At the same time, the risk of social exclusion will be reduced and the professional activity of all participants will increase.


Value of the project2 329 850,55 zł
Co-financing from European funds: 1 963 598,04 zł


Section for Research and Publication
Faculty of Economic Sciences
University of Warsaw
ul. Długa 44/50, 00-241 Warszawa

room: 304
tel: 22 55 49 183
or 22 55 49 186
e-mail: .XyHGft8PJQCignE4pMT#{?]#[|Se40Lc|.aI.Opd9AV.J4l'