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10.01.2023, 15:12

Warsaw Economic Seminars – “A Theory of the Procyclical Effectiveness of Forward Guidance” [12.01.2023]

Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w kolejnym spotkaniu z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars, organizowanym wspólnie przez WNE UW i SGH.

Podczas spotkania dr Paweł Kopiec, adiunkt w Katedrze Ekonomii Ilościowej Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie przedstawi swoje badanie “A Theory of the Procyclical Effectiveness of Forward Guidance”


This study examines the dependence of forward guidance effectiveness on the level of economic slack. Employing a model with price rigidities and uninsured unemployment risk, I apply analytical and numerical methods to study the forward guidance transmission in “normal times” and the crisis during which the unemployment rate rises by 150%. High unemployment accompanied by low job-finding rates increases unemployment risk and precautionary motives, which constrains the monetary authority’s ability to boost current demand by announcing cuts in future policy rates. The severity of this limitation increases with the time horizon of the announced change in interest rate. Quantitatively, the drop in the interest rate elasticity of aggregate consumption between the horizon of the interest rate cut equal to zero (i.e., the standard monetary policy shock) and the horizon equal to 15 quarters is 35.3% larger during the crisis than in “normal times.” These more pronounced horizon effects imply that forward guidance effectiveness is generally lower in crisis than in “normal times.”

Seminarium odbędzie się 12 stycznia br. o godz. 17:00 w formule hybrydowej: w sali B202 Wydziału Nauk Ekonomicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ul. Długa 44/50) oraz za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Link do spotkania:


Meeting ID: 949 5286 1067

Passcode: 149259

Pełen kalendarz seminariów z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars jest dostępny na stronie: https://sites.google.com/site/warsaweconseminars/calendar



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