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08.06.2022, 15:18

Seminarium online z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars - "Conflict Dynamics Over Farmland Use in the Multifunctional Countryside" [09.06.2022]

Już 9 czerwca br. o godz. 17:00 zaplanowane jest kolejne seminarium z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars.

Wystąpi na nim dr hab. Dominika Milczarek-Andrzejewska, prof. ucz. z Katedry Ekonomii Politycznej WNE UW.

Seminaria organizują wspólnie Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz Szkoła Główna Handlowa. Najbliższe odbędzie się za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87841091798


Recent research confirms the growing scale and frequency of land-use conflicts. Such conflicts primarily affect rural areas and farmland due to urban expansion or transformations towards multifunctionality. This paper therefore aims to identify changes in the scale and structure of farmland-use conflicts among the three main competing functions (production, consumption and protection) drawing upon Holmes’ conceptualisation of the multifunctional countryside. Unlike other research based mainly on qualitative case studies, we use Shannon entropy andthe administrative courts’ database in Poland to analyse farmland-use conflicts in a quantitative approach. Our results show the growing dynamics and changing conflict structure observed in time and space but also, to some extent, depending on the composition and configuration of land functions. The results prove the importance of (EU, large-scale, nationwide) agricultural and environmental policies in increasing the number of conflict cases. As a result, the shifting conflict-line from mainly production-consumption conflicts to conflicts within one function (production-production) and production-protection ones were observed. The changing structure of farmland-use conflicts is shaped by the level of development of the production function considered in terms of size and ownership structures as well as its economic performance. In the light of this study, land-use conflicts, often perceived as socially undesirable, are not necessarily “unfavourable” as they manifest the increasing capacity of dispute engagement and the inclusion of forgotten or deliberately excluded actors in the resistance-building process.

Celem cyklu seminariów jest stworzenie platformy dla naukowców i specjalistów z całego świata do zaprezentowania swoich badań i dzielenia się wiedzą na temat ekonomii i polityki gospodarczej.

Uczestnicy spotkań mogą zarówno wysłuchać prezentacji i wziąć udział w dyskusji, jak i  zaprezentować swoje własne badania, aby uzyskać opinie innych naukowców i studentów.