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01.11.2022, 20:08

Seminarium LabFam online [08.11.2022]

Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w nadchodzącym seminarium organizowanym przez Centrum Badań nad Rynkiem Pracy i Rodziną LabFam.

Podczas spotkania Daisuke Adachi (Aarhus University) zaprezentuje badanie „Robots on Sale: The Effect of Investment Promotion on Robot Adoption and Employment”.

Opis badania:

We (with Daiji Kawaguchi and Yukiko U. Saito) study the role of an investment promotion policy in adopting industrial robots and firm performances, notably employment. Combining the policy variation in the Tax Credit for Promoting Productivity-Enhancing Equipment Investment (TC-PPEI) in Japan and a newly collected Japanese firm-level longitudinal data on robot adoption, we find that the firms eligible for the TC-PPEI increased the adoption of robots. Our event-study analysis reveals that when firms adopt robots, they do not decrease the total number of workers but significantly increase it after 1-3 years of adoption event as well as sales. Our results suggest that adopting robots can be employment creating instead of destroying at the firm level.

Spotkanie odbędzie się 8 listopada br. o godz. 13:00 za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom i będzie prowadzone w języku angielskim.

Szczegółowe informacje oraz link rejestracyjny są dostępne na stronie: https://bit.ly/3WlFfQT