24.05.2024, 09:43

Seminarium „Childbearing desires and models of ‘good’ parenthood among U.S. young adults”

Seminarium, organizowane przez Centrum Badań Rynku Pracy i Dynamiki Rodziny (LabFam), będzie poświęcone zagadnieniom rodzicielstwa wśród młodych dorosłych.

Prelegentka - prof. Sarah Hayford, przedstawi najnowsze wyniki swoich badań związanych z analizą wpływu presji tzw. „dobrego rodzicielstwa" na opóźnianie decyzji o posiadaniu dziecka. W oparciu o dane z wywiadów pogłębionych z bezdzietnymi młodymi dorosłymi dowiemy się, w jaki sposób młodzi ludzie wyobrażają sobie ‘dobre’ rodzicielstwo i w jakim stopniu ta logika jest związana z planowanym modelem dzietności.

Zapraszamy do udziału w seminarium: 28 maja br. o 13:00, w auli B (WNE UW). Językiem spotkania będzie angielski.




After many years of stability, birth rates in the United States have recently declined to their lowest recorded level. This decline has been attributed in part to increasing economic precarity, particularly among young adults, coupled with high demands for investment in children. Still, most young people in the U.S. want to have children at some point. Understanding young people’s plans and goals for future childbearing is important for predicting future demographic trends. It can also shed light on the social meanings that young people assign to parenthood. In this talk, I draw on data from in-depth interviews with childless young adults to describe how young people envision “good” parenting and the extent to which these parenting logics are related to plans for future childbearing. Results suggest that young people feel a strong responsibility to provide emotional support as well as economic support to potential future children. The perceived emotional demands of parenting serve as a motivation for delaying parenthood.