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22.09.2023, 09:46

Otwarte seminarium online "Gender inequalities in scientific careers: the case of Poland" [26.09.2023]

Otwarte seminarium organizowane przez Katedrę Innowacji i Rozwoju WNE UW już w najbliższy wtorek.

Podczas spotkania dr Karolina Goraus-Tańska przedstawi badanie "Gender inequalities in scientific careers: the case of Poland".

Seminarium odbędzie się już 26 września br. (wtorek) o godz. 9:30.

Link do Zoom: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/97817744295


Women continue to be underrepresented in science, especially at the top level. There is also some evidence on gender differences in scientific productivity over the life cycle, but the empirical evidence is scarce, partially due to data limitations. This paper focuses on the careers of women and men in science in Poland and aims to verify whether there are gender differences in career paths and publications intensity in the years following the PhD defense. We utilize a unique digital data source on scientists’ career milestones (e.g., obtaining subsequent academic titles) and their publication records. Controlling for academic field, universities’ quality, and year of PhD defense, we first analyze gender gaps in timespan between obtaining subsequent academic titles. Adding to this picture information on publications, we also analyze whether total amount and quality of publications (as assessed using the rankings of journals) obtained before reaching a subsequent academic title is different for women and men.

Współautorami badania są dr hab. Jacek Lewkowicz oraz dr hab. Krzysztof Szczygielski, prof. ucz.

Kierownikiem grantu, w ramach którego zostało zrealizowane badanie, jest dr Karolina Goraus-Tańska. Grant jest realizowany w ramach programu IDUB UW.