Spotkanie z dr. Maciejem Sobolewskim w ramach cyklu seminarium z mikroekonomii
Zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie w ramach cyklu poświęconego tematom z zakresu konkurencji i regulacji rynkowych, organizowanego przez dr. hab. Łukasza Grzybowskiego (Katedra Mikroekonomii WNE UW).
28 listopada br. swoje badanie pt.: "Entry and Competition in Platform Markets. Evidence from the European Tablet Industry" zaprezentuje dr Maciej Sobolewski z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Uczestniczyć można stacjonarnie na WNE UW (sala B002) bądź za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom. Spotkanie potrwa od 17:00 do 18:00.
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Poniżej prezentujemy abstrakt wystąpienia:
We study the unsuccessful entry of Microsoft on the market for operating systems for consumer tablets and the competition with incumbent systems - Android and Ios - in the period 2012 to 2015. We use rich data set on tablets sales in 10 European countries, with hundreds of distinct products from 25 brands. We set up a structural model of demand for mobile operating systems that takes into account device characteristics and the number of mobile apps available for each operating system. Elasticities and Lerner mark-ups are computed. The availability of apps turn out to be a very important complement driving tablet choices. As Microsoft Store lagged considerably behind the two incumbents in the number of apps, Windows RT operating system featured a strong competitive disadvantage. In the counterfactual analysis, we show that the elimination of the app deficit would allow Win RT to achieve the leading position among the three operating systems in the consumer tablet segment. We analyse the impact of Microsoft’s discriminatory licensing policy on a device competition between Surface tablets and third party devices. Levelling the playing field in licensing charges would roughly double the sales of OEM devices, pushing down the share of Microsoft’s Surface Tab within Windows RT segment.