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12.04.2023, 07:51

Warsaw Economic Seminars – “Importance of productivity for exports of services. The firm-level analysis combined with the gravity model framework” [13.04.2023]

Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w kolejnym spotkaniu z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars, organizowanym wspólnie przez WNE UW i SGH.

Podczas spotkania dr Łukasz Matuszczak – Adiunkt w Katedrze Makroekonomii i Teorii Handlu Zagranicznego WNE UW przedstawi badanie “Importance of productivity for exports of services. The firm-level analysis combined with the gravity model framework”, przeprowadzone wspólnie z prof. dr. hab. Janem Jakubem Michałkiem oraz dr. Rafałem Woźniakiem.

Seminarium odbędzie się 13 kwietnia br. o godz. 17:00 w formule hybrydowej: w Sali A203 na Wydziale Nauk Ekonomicznych (ul. Długa 44/50) oraz za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Link do spotkania:


Meeting ID: 949 5286 1067

Passcode: 149259



This paper contributes to the firm-level analysis of services’ export determinants. We compare whether the specific firms’ characteristics affecting services exports performance are similar to those of goods exporting firms. First, we estimate firm-level determinants of services exports using granular data on Poland's international trade in services (ITSS), enriched with gravity model variables. We check whether the unobserved firm’s productivity can be treated as constant and thus be a part of the individual heterogeneity. Second, we extend our analysis by merging ITSS with ORBIS data, containing more information on firm-level characteristics. We calculate firm-level TFP and check whether additional new variables affect export performance. We proxy the information on firm-level innovation by using the information on intangible assets as an IV variable. For robustness checks of our estimations, we apply several estimation methods such as Fixed Effects Poisson Panel (FE), Correlated Random Effects (CRE) and FE with endogenous variables.


Pełen kalendarz seminariów z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars jest dostępny na stronie: https://sites.google.com/site/warsaweconseminars/calendar



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