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05.03.2024, 12:48

“Aggregate shocks and redistribution across generations” - spotkanie z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars [07.03.2024]

Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w kolejnym spotkaniu z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars, organizowanym wspólnie przez WNE UW i SGH.

Podczas spotkania dr Marcin Bielecki z Katedry Makroekonomii i Teorii Handlu Zagranicznego WNE UW przedstawi badanie “Aggregate shocks and redistribution across generations”. Współautorami badania są Michał Brzoza-Brzezina (SGH, Europejski Bank Centralny) oraz Marcin Kolasa (SGH, Międzynarodowy Fundusz Walutowy).

Seminarium odbędzie się 7 marca br. o godz. 17:00 w formule hybrydowej: w sali A203 na Wydziale Nauk Ekonomicznych (ul. Długa 44/50) oraz za pośrednictwem platformy Zoom.

Link do spotkania:


Identyfikator spotkania: 933 0228 1672

Kod dostępu: 254160



We extend the standard Smets-Wouters New Keynesian model to account for household heterogeneity across the life-cycle dimension. Our model is populated by 80 cohorts of households (aged 20-99) that have access to different types of assets: housing, nominal assets and real assets. Households optimize over the life-cycle and change their portfolio composition both due to life-cycle considerations and in response to aggregate shocks.

We find that shocks can be split into two groups: those that affect all cohorts’ welfare in the same direction (“egalitarian shocks”) e.g. price markup shock, and those that redistribute across cohorts e.g. monetary policy shock.

We estimate the model on the US data from 1960-2023 and extract the historical shocks affecting the US economy. We find that most of the time all cohorts’ welfare co-moves over the business cycle. However, certain cycles, specifically the 1970s oil price shock recessions and the recent Covid-energy crisis recession, involve large redistribution of welfare across cohorts. Over the last business cycle the redistribution was mostly driven by price markup, technology and monetary policy shocks, and was mainly transmitted via asset return channels.

We view our results as complementary to those obtained through various HANK-type models, and focusing on a separate dimension of household heterogeneity, as in e.g. Bayer et al. (2020).


Pełen kalendarz seminariów z cyklu Warsaw Economic Seminars jest dostępny na stronie: https://sites.google.com/site/warsaweconseminars/calendar


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