Pierwsze, noworoczne seminarium ośrodka Spatial Warsaw, już 14 stycznia
W seminarium organizowanym przez ośrodek Spatial Warsaw prowadzone badania zaprezentuje dwoje prelegentów. Prof. Geoffrey J.D. Hewings (University of Illinois) wygłosi wykład „Demographic Challenges for Economic Development”. Z kolei prof. Jean Dubé (University of Laval) przedstawi badanie „How Much is Direct and Indirect Accesses to a Park Worth? An Application for Single-family Houses using a Causal Spatio-temporal Matching Approach”.
Na spotkanie zapraszamy 14 stycznia br. (we wtorek) o godz. 16:45 do s. A202. Prelegenci będą obecni stacjonarnie na Wydziale – stąd zachęcamy do udziału osobistego na wykładzie.
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Link do spotkania: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/95191753919?pwd=nGkk20Hnfxu4RZLutf09cNnT402kj3.1
[Identyfikator spotkania: 951 9175 3919
Kod dostępu: 242385]
Poniżej prezentujemy abstrakty wystąpień
Demographic Challenges for Economic Development
The demographic component of economic development is often relegated to an afterthought with primary attention focused on attraction/retention of firms and fiscal issues. In this presentation, attention will be directed to the some of the myriad ways in which a region's demographic structure contributes both to economic development and to some of the major development challenges. First, the age structure is changing significantly with significant decreases in the share of prime age working population and a concomitant increase in the share greater than 65 years of age. What is the role of migration, especially international in-migration, to this changing demographic structure, how can it be enhanced and what are the fiscal implications? How is interregional (i.e. within the US) migration contributing to regional problems? Secondly, the changes in demographic structure present further challenges in terms of income inequality and its persistence. Here there are multiple dimensions including spatial (intra-metropolitan and urban-rural), cohort and quintile. The presentation will conclude with some contributions to the policy agenda for a region.
How Much is Direct and Indirect Accesses to a Park Worth? An Application for Single-family Houses using a Causal Spatio-temporal Matching Approach
Urban parks and green spaces are well known for their positive social and environmental impacts so that proximity to such infrastructures is usually internalized into higher real estate values. This paper proposes a careful spatio-temporal causal identification strategy to measure the willingness-to-pay (WTP) of exposure to different types of parks with particular attention on spatial confounding. Based on single-family house transactions in Québec City between 2004 and 2020, the estimation results suggest that the price premium differs according to the types of parks, proximity, and submarkets. The submarket of the first quantile transaction price displays a negative price premium, while a positive premium is found for the last quantile sale price, suggesting the presence of environmental inequities.