Martin Hulényi gościem seminarium ośrodka Spatial Warsaw
Zapraszamy na seminarium w poniedziałek 18 listopada o godz. 17:00 do s. F (na Wydziale Nauk Ekonomicznych). Prelegent wystąpi na żywo (z transmisją on-line, zaplanowaną na platformie Zoom).
Prezentujemy abstract badania, którego współautorami są prof. Jan Fidrmuc (University of Lille) oraz dr Olga Zajkowska (WNE UW):
We contribute to the analysis of the impact of European Union funds on European regional development. We find that the European funds have a significantly positive effect on regional economic growth in the European Union. This result is obtained both with ordinary least squares (OLS), and with two-stage least squares (2SLS) using the presence of environmentally protected areas as an instrument. Furthermore, we find that interregional spillovers are important: a significant part of the favourable effect seems to take place in nearby regions rather than in the recipient region.