Economic History

Scientific and research activities

The research activities of the Department of Economic History are conducted in the following fields of study:

  • comparative studies on modernization processes 
  • history of issue banks in Poland 
  • ownership transformations (privatisation, reprivatisation) in the Polish experience 
  • the public sector in the economy of interwar Poland

Scientific research work (on grants) is carried out by the Department for national projects which are financed, inter alia, by the National Science Centre (NCN) as well as those funded by the European Union.

Research projects include the following issues:

  • the history of Polish banking 
  • privatisation in Poland: principles, techniques, and practice 
  • comparative analysis of economic systems in the historical perspective.

Head of the Department

Department of Economic History
Associate Professor
Head of the Department

The staff

Doctor habilitatus Koryś Piotr
Department of Economic History
Associate Professor
Doctor habilitatus Leszczyńska Cecylia
Department of Economic History
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Bukowski Maciej
Department of Economic History
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Standerski Dariusz
Department of Economic History
Assistant Professor

PhD Candidate

M.A. Kamecki Marcin
Department of Economic History
PhD Student
M.A. Kowalski Michał
Department of Economic History
PhD Student