Organisational requirements

(a) participation in examination boards;
(b) maintaining records of teaching and research;
(c) participation in meetings of collective bodies at the University, in the work of University committees (the Rector's, the Senate's), faculty or disciplinary committees, and in meetings of collective bodies at the University or the organisational unit which the academic staff member is part of;
(d) participation in teams and programmes related to the development of the University;
(e) endeavouring to obtain funding for research and development from external sources;
f) carrying out other work as ordered by the Rector, the Dean, or the Head of a University-wide unit.
Academic staff in the teaching and research and teaching staff group will be required to carry out on-call duties, according to the rules and to the extent determined by the Dean or the Head of the university-wide organisational unit.
Academic staff may not (without justifiable reason) refuse to act as supervisors, assistant supervisors or reviewers in proceedings related to the filling of academic staff positions.
Academic staff are required to continually improve their professional competence.
The primary organisational unit for academic staff is the Department or Unit. The
direct supervisor of an academic staff member shall be the Head of the Department or Division.