• The Graduation Ceremony for the alumni and academics of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of Warsaw University

    The Celebration will be held on July 6th this year in the Adam Mickiewicz Aula in the Auditorium Maximum building.

  • For the first time, the ‘7th Doctoral Workshop on the Economics of Digitization’ at the Faculty of Economic Sciences

    On 13-14th June, we will host representatives from universities such as the Liege Competition and  Innovation Institute, Telecom Paris and the Toulouse School of Economics. The guest lecture will be given by Prof. Hanna Halaburda (New York University).

  • Prof. Jeffrey Wooldridge at WNE UW in September 2024!

    Summer School for PhD students in collaboration with DIW Berlin.

  • The Faculty of Economic Sciences has full accreditation from the ACCA Association!

    The Faculty of Economic Sciences has full accreditation from the ACCA Association!

    Thanks to the accreditation, students of this programme - on the specialisation ‘Business Economics’, who will defend their thesis by 31 December 2025, have the chance to obtain an exemption from selected ACCA qualification levels.

    This is a unique opportunity to shorten the path to obtaining the internationally recognised certificate of professional qualification.

  • CENTRAL EUROPEAN ECONOMICS JOURNAL - worth reading, worth publishing!

    We welcome authors of articles in economics, as well as at the interface between economics and sociology, demography, political science, law and management, etc. Open access, no fees, fast review process, 70 MEiN points.

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  • Let’s make together economics in Warsaw

    We encourage you to watch the movie about the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw. The project financed by the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA) as a part of Welcome to Poland Programme (2020).

  • 70 years of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

    70 years of the Faculty of Economic Sciences

    In 2023 it was seventy years since the University of Warsaw first admitted students to the Faculty that educates in the field of economics. There are numerous events planned on this occasion. The programme is available in Polish on the website: https://www.wne.uw.edu.pl/jubileusz/plano-obchodow-21-2210


Image LabFam seminar „Who Wants a ‘Smart Wife’? Gender a…
During the meeting organised by the LabFam Ekaterina Hertog (Oxford Internet Institute) will present her research.
Image Call for paper abstracts – 21st ESPAnet Annual Con…
The 21st ESPAnet Annual Conference 2023 "Challenges for the welfare state in turbulent times", will take place in Warsaw on 7-9 September 2023. The deadline for submission of paper abstracts is 14.04.2023.
Image “Deep learning–based automated measurements of the…
During the coming meeting Joanna Bremer (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences) and Michał Maj (Climatica) will present their research.
Image LabFam seminar “Maternity leave take-up in UK acad…
During the meeting organised by the LabFam: Interdisciplinary Centre for Labour Market and Family Dynamics Joanna Clifton Sprigg, Ph.D. (University of Bath) will present her research.
Image Public defence of the doctoral dissertation
The public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Paweł Krasuski, M.A., entitled „The impact of a bank's service quality on the economic efficiency of its branches on the example of cooperative banking sector” will be held on February 28th 2023 at…
Image “W rytmie ekonomii” podcast: What kind of migratio…
In the second episode of the Faculty’s podcast, prof. Paweł Kaczmarczyk discusses how to study migration and reflects on how migration policy should be conducted by Poland.
Image We stand in solidarity with the Turkish and Syrian…
We express our solidarity with the Faculty of Economics community coming from Turkey and Syria, affected by the earthquake in recent days.
Image LabFam seminar online “Can the Child Penalty Be Re…
During the meeting organised by the LabFam: Interdisciplinary Centre for Labour Market and Family Dynamics Martin Eckhoff Andresen, Ph.D. (University of Oslo) will present his research.
Image “The Properties of Alpha Risk Parity Portfolios“ –…
During the coming meeting Jérôme Gava, Ph.D. and Julien Turc – visiting researchers at École Polytechnique and BNP Paribas experts will present their research.
Image W rytmie ekonomii: On inflation and monetary polic…
We invite you to listen to the premiere episode of the Faculty’s podcast, in which prof. Łukasz Hardt talks about money, inflation and monetary policy.

Latest publications

LSTM-ARIMA as a Hybrid Approach in Algorithmic Investment Strategies

Working Papers, No 7/2024 (443)
Authors: Kamil Kashif, Robert Ślepaczuk

Work from Home and Perceptions of Career Prospects of Employees with Children

Working Papers, No 8/2024 (444)
Authors: Anna Kurowska, Agnieszka Kasperska