10.02.2023, 10:20

“W rytmie ekonomii” podcast: What kind of migration policy does Poland need?

In the second episode of the Faculty’s podcast, prof. Paweł Kaczmarczyk discusses how to study migration and why an accurate picture of the contemporary migrant is extremely important for researchers, but also for officials or local authorities.

Prof. Kaczmarczyk talks about Polish society, which is changing under the influence of migrants and refugees from Ukraine, and wonders what kind of migration policy we should pursue and from where to draw the right models.

The interview is hosted by prof. Dominika Milczarek-Andrzejewska.

The second episode can be listened to on major podcast platforms.

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The podcast series "W rytmie ekonomii" was produced as part of the project 'Let's make together economics in Warsaw'. The project was funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange as part of the Welcome to Poland programme (call 2020).
