23.02.2023, 13:18

Call for paper abstracts – 21st ESPAnet Annual Conference 2023 [07-09.09.2023]

We are happy to announce that the call for paper abstracts for the 21st ESPAnet Annual Conference is now open!

The full list of streams is available here: https://espanet-warsaw2023.org/streams/

The details of the submission process are described here: https://espanet-warsaw2023.org/submission/

The deadline for submission of paper abstracts is 14th of April 2023.

Abstracts will be ranked by the Stream Convenors, but it is the Conference Organizing Committee that will inform successful applicants by 15th of May 2023.

We are accepting abstracts only through the conference management tool (ExOrdo). To submit an abstract, please create an account in the conference management tool and follow the step-by-step submission process: https://espanet2023.exordo.com.

Note: The possibility of submitting proposals for pitch your book sessions and pitch your project posters will open later (for details see the Timeline).