Data Mining Certificate Programme


The objective of the programme conducted by the Faculty of Economic Sciences in cooperation with SAS Institute Polska is to provide students with comprehensive knowledge about approaches to data management in business, and practical skills - which include obtaining, processing and cleaning transaction system data, transformation, statistical and econometric analysis, data mining, analysis of unstructured data prior to its visual representation, and the processes of reporting and publishing results in an organisation. The tools for data processing are IT systems with decision support, among which SAS has a leading position.

Data processing leads to the extraction of strategic information for business, and is based on various techniques, including data mining. The Objective of the Programme is to provide practical knowledge and skills related to data analysis with the use of quantitative methods and those used in leading contemporary Polish and foreign companies.

This track is intended for future analysts and guarantees their independence and autonomy. The programme is addressed to all students of the Faculty, starting from the 3rd year of first-cycle (BA) studies, with particular emphasis on the field of "Computer Science and Econometrics".