Quantitative analysis

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Quantitative Analysis (QA) is a unique doctoral study track that crosses the boundaries of scientific disciplines. Implemented as part of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the University of Warsaw by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics.


The QA study track offers PhD students the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research in a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field combining economics and mathematics. The QA track aims to prepare PhD students to analyse and solve challenging problems in economic policy, finance and the business world. Its foundations can also be used to analyse specific issues in, for example, health economics, environmental economics or the economics of the energy sector. 
Individuals who demonstrate analytical skills are invited to join the QA study track. A prerequisite for admission to the QA track is a degree in social sciences (preferably economics) or mathematical and natural sciences. Graduates of business and economics programmes often lack in-depth training in quantitative methods, and mathematicians and statisticians rarely have a background in economics. The QA study track allows a combination of knowledge from these two fields. The diverse skill set allows for a more in-depth and reliable analysis of data and thus a more effective solution to complex economic problems.

NUMBER OF SEMESTERS AND HOURS OF TEACHING: The study track is implemented from semester I to semester III or IV with 65 to 80 hours of additional teaching in relation to the compulsory classes for all MSD doctoral students (the difference in the number of hours depends on the length of individual courses within each block of classes).

COURSES IN THE QA STUDY TRACK: The study track consists of four thematic blocks: Economics, Quantitative methods, Mathematics, and Classes chosen to match the Ph.D. student's research topic on a reputable foreign university (online participation acceptable). The  Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw covers the course costs.

Compulsory training activities for students joining the QA study track - PDF file


The prerequisites for admission to the QA study track include successful recruitment to the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School in a given year, a degree in the social sciences (preferably economics) or in the mathematical sciences or natural sciences, and a declaration of the willingness to join the QA study track. Admission is determined by place on the ranking list during the recruitment procedure to the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. 

SUPERVISORS: at least one of the Ph.D. supervisors should be a member of the faculty from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw or the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.


The full-time doctoral program is offered free of charge to all successful candidates regardless of their nationality. Moreover, all participants receive a monthly schoolarship from the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School throughout their entire four-year education. Doctoral students receive tax-free scholarships in the amount of 37 percent, and after mid-term evaluation – 57 percent of professor's remuneration specified in the appropriate ordinance.  These scholarships are subject to pension and retirement contributions.

Everyone admitted to the QA program (except for doctoral students already holding a doctoral degree or being employed full-time as a lecturer at the university) receives a scholarship from the beginning with a raise after mid-term evaluation. PhD student with dissabilities will be able to receive a doctoral scholarship increased by 30 percent of the basic amount (i.e. in force before the mid-term evaluation).

FINANCIAL SUPPORT for Ph.D. Students from the QA study track

  • After getting the credit for all courses in the QA study track and after a positive mid-term evaluation of the PhD progress, the PhD student will receive an additional scholarship (above the basic MSD PhD scholarship), funded by the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw. The amount of the monthly extra scholarship offered by WNE will be PLN 1000 gross (scholarship payable from semester V to semester VIII, once the above-mentioned conditions have been fulfilled (for no longer than - in total - 24 months).
  •  The Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw covers the costs of attending a course or workshop at a renowned foreign university. Participation in the course requires the approval of the supervisors, the QA study track coordinator and the Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw and the Director of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School. The maximum cost of funding is PLN 15,000. The expenses that are covered include: the course fee and possible travel and accommodation costs.
  • PhD students of the QA study track may apply for funding for their research and travel abroad both at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw and at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.
  • Detailed regulations of the scholarship programme of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw for doctoral students of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at the University of Warsaw pursuing the Quantitative Analysis (QA) study track - PDF file


Detailed information on recruitment can be found on the website of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School.