30.01.2024, 08:08

New date - “On track to a green future: new insights on the impact of train transport on Warsaw suburban real estate market”- seminar by QFRG & DSLab [05.02.2024]

We kindly invite you to join the coming seminar organised jointly by the Quantitative Finance Research Group and Data Science Lab.

During the coming meeting Paweł Sieczak – student of the Faculty’s BA program will present the results of his research.

The meeting will take place on February 5th 2023 at 17:45 via Zoom platform. Link to the meeting: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/93090802007?pwd=TDk5anU2SzBqaSs0QzYreDhQcEErZz09

The meeting will be conducted in English. Please log in the latest at 5:40 p.m.

Presentation abstract:

In this article, we study how accessibility to rail transport affects Warsaw’s suburban real estate market. A large, unique dataset of individual geo-located transactions for 2008-2020 is used to quantify the effect of the distance from rail stations and other real estate characteristics on its price. We use machine learning and XAI methods to identify that rail accessibility has a non-linear and even non-monotonic impact on real estate prices. We found that proximity to the station increases the price of all properties except for those closest to the station, indicating overall that people want to live near train transport hubs. Furthermore, we prove that ML and XAI tools can successfully identify nonlinearities and more precisely describe the relationship between the price and its predictors than traditional linear models.