05.03.2024, 12:02

“From fork to fish: The role of consumer behaviour on the sustainability of fisheries - Warsaw Economic Seminars [25.01.2024]

We kindly invite you to take part in the next meeting within the Warsaw Economic Seminars series, organised jointly by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw and the Warsaw School of Economics.

During the meeting Coralie Kersulec, Ph.D. (Department of Political Economy) will present her research.

The seminar will be held on January 25th 2024 at 5 p.m. in hybrid mode: in room B202 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences (Długa 44/50) and via Zoom platform: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/93302281672?pwd=VFg3SVg0clkwOWtHZDNMb2F1TW5Bdz09

Meeting ID: 933 0228 1672

Passcode: 254160



The increasing consumption of seafood products raises concerns over the sustainability of marine ecosystems. We examine the role of consumer behaviour on seafood demand and consequently on the sustainability of fisheries. Our analysis relies on a bio-economic model combining a demand derived from a CES utility depending on different fish species, a mixed fishery supply based on the Schaefer production function, a market equilibrium and a multispecies resource-based dynamics. Using both a steady-state approach and bio-economic viability goals, we identify analytical conditions on consumer behaviour making it possible to balance biodiversity conservation with viable profits. We exemplify the analytical results with the coastal fishery and the seafood system in French Guiana.


The calendar of all seminars within the Warsaw Economic Seminars series is available on the website: https://sites.google.com/site/warsaweconseminars/calendar


The aim of the Warsaw Economic Seminars series is to create a platform for researchers and specialists from all over the world to present their research and share knowledge on economics and economic policy.

The participants can both listen to presentations and take part in discussions and present their own research to get feedback from other researchers and students.