02.12.2022, 11:44

Doctoral seminar "Does inequality make people unhappy?" [05.12.2022]

During the meeting which will be held on December 5th 2022 at 3 p.m. Katarzyna Sałach-Dróżdż, M.A. PhD Student of the Faculty of Economic Sciences will present the paper "Does inequality make people unhappy?"


There exist conflicting theories about whether individuals like or dislike inequality, or in other words, whether living in an unequal country increases or decreases their subjective well-being. The empirical literature has also not yet reached a consensus. In this paper, we add a new perspective to the inequality-happiness puzzle. First, we study not only income inequality, but also wealth inequality, which has so far been overlooked in the happiness literature. Second, we reach beyond the usually studied Gini coefficient and top income shares, looking also at the other parts of income or wealth distribution. Using data from the integrated World Values Surveys and European Values Surveys for over 50 countries, matched with World Inequality Database data over the years 1990-2020, we find that individuals are more happy with increasing top 10% and top 1% shares of wealth and less happy with increasing middle 40% share of wealth. Increasing the bottom 50% share of after-tax income also makes individuals happier, as if they favoured income redistribution. We offer possible explanations to these findings.

The meeting will be held in hybrid mode: on-site in room A409 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and via Zoom platform.

Link to the meeting: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/91533433049?pwd=OUNzYzdXUjZsYmRGM1pRSWdMbmYvQT09

Meeting ID: 915 3343 3049

Access code: 400347

If you would like to take part in the seminars or present your research, please contact prof. Jan Jakub Michałek or Piotr Mandera.