Required documents

After receiving preliminary acceptance the candidate needs to submit following documents:

  1. the higher education diploma (MA, BA, engineer diploma or equivalent) and transcript of grades obtained during the course of study, entitling to continue university-level study in country in which the diploma was issued. We do not accept confirmation of graduation as a temporary replacement of the diploma
  2. for Candidates with foreign diplomas - a legalisation (authorisation) or apostille (if the document was issued by an institution operating in the educational system in a country that is a party to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, concluded in The Hague, 5 October 1961) of the higher education diploma and transcript of grades [read more]
  3. for Candidates with foreign diplomas - original sworn translations into English language of the higher education diploma and transcript of grades (in case of other than sworn translation – translation legalized by the Polish consul in the country where the documents were issued) 
  4. a personal questionnaire, which includes candidate’s photo, printed out from candidate’s individual registration account in the IRK system and signed by the candidate (available at the candidate’s individual registration account in section “Enrollment applications” under the chosen field of study accessible through the link “Documents and further steps”)
  5. an application for issuing electronic student’s id (ELS), which includes candidate’s photo, printed out from candidate’s individual registration account in the IRK system and signed by the candidate – in case of candidates not holding ELS (available at the candidate’s individual registration account in section “Enrollment applications” under the chosen field of study accessible through the link “Documents and further steps”)
  6. a proof of student’s id (ELS) payment – in case of candidates not holding ELS [read more]
  7. statement on becoming acquainted with the amount of fees for educational services at the University of Warsaw (available at the candidate’s individual registration account in section “Enrollment applications” under the chosen field of study accessible through the link “Documents and further steps”)
  8. for Candidates with foreign diplomas - a document stating that the diploma entitles to undertake master-level study in country in which the diploma was issued (such proof should be issued or certified by the educational institution which issued the diploma or by educational authorities of the country which issued the diploma or in which system of education the school operates) with translation into language of instruction of the chosen studies [a sample form]. This statement may be included on the transcript of records/ diploma’s supplement.
  9. accepted by the University of Warsaw document confirming proficiency in English language (at least B2 level) [A list of documents certifying the knowledge of English, accepted in the process of recruitment].
  10. a photocopy of visa or other document proving legalisation of stay in Poland – in case of foreigners already staying in Poland
  11. signed information about the tuition fees at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw
  12. authorization to submission of documents – in case of submission of candidate’s documents by the other person [a sample form – two pages]

Please note! 

Documents printed out from individual registration account at IRK system must be signed by the candidate.

In case of documents sent via fast post it is required that the documents are sent as copies certified by a notary.