17.11.2022, 16:11

Plenipotentiary for equality at the Faculty of Economic Sciences

The main tasks of the Plenipotentiary include acting as a consultation and contact 'point' for discrimination cases and responding to reported cases through counselling or, with the consent of the reporting person, referring the case to the Ombudsman, as well as providing students and staff with information about the support system in the Faculty and the University and information about equality courses and training. The Plenipotentiary can be contacted at the following email address: vu!?kz/m{e2bZ=UdA*CR1|Kc].t+]#[iew*[rkhjOlZIzl\+jLH&#-HS7es.

We invite you to read Anna Janicka, Ph.D.’s message to the community of the Faculty of Economic Sciences.


Dear Students, Dear Colleagues,

My name is Anna Janicka and I am the plenipotentiary for equality at the Faculty of Economic Sciences.

We want everyone to feel comfortable and safe at the Faculty.

My aim is to introduce you to the equality activities carried out at our Faculty and at our university - trainings, workshops, events and equality courses.

I can also act as the first "point of contact and consultation" in cases of discrimination and provide support in contacts with university anti-discrimination units. Contact with me is confidential. Please feel free to approach me at any time.

You can email me at: vu!?kz/m{e2bZ=UdA*CR1|Kc].t+]#[iew*[rkhjOlZIzl\+jLH&#-HS7es

More information on the anti-discrimination and equality activities at the University of Warsaw can be found in the attached pdf, on the faculty website and at:




Best wishes,

Anna Janicka


Equality and diversity solutions at the University of Warsaw