Seminars and conferences

konferencje.pngThe Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Warsaw organises many prestigious, cyclical conferences and seminars. Some of them take place in partnership with national and international associations and institutions, e.g., the National Bank of Poland (NBP) of the Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis.

We cordially invite researchers to take part in the events organised by the Faculty, which concern broadly understood economic sciences, from classical to modern aspects of economics and finance.



Schedule of conferences and seminars

Data/Date Wydarzenie/Event URL
2023-06-01 Prof. Anil Bera - „How to Assimilate Math, Stat and Econ for Econometrics Innovation: A Case Study of the First Nonlinear Model in Econometrics” Link
2023-05-29 Seminarium QFRG i DSLab - „How to win Econometric Game” Link
2023-05-25 Warsaw Economic Seminars - “Comprehensive Recreation Demand Modelling” Link
2023-05-23 Seminarium LabFam „Spillover effects of children’s education on parents’ health and longevity” Link
2023-05-11 Warsaw Economic Seminars - “Monetary policy in a two-country model with behavioral expectations” Link
2023-05-09 Seminarium LabFam „Division of labour in Polish households: how decisions are made” Link
2023-04-20 Warsaw Economic Seminars - “Global Value Chains and Equilibrium Exchange Rate: Evidence from Central European Economies” Link
2023-04-18 Seminarium LabFam „Shifting Marriage Timing for Women: Destructive Events and Forced Displacement” Link
2023-04-13 Warsaw Economic Seminars – “Importance of productivity for exports of services. The firm-level analysis combined with the gravity model framework” Link
2023-04-03 Seminarium QFRG i DSLab - “The Systemic Risk Approach Based on Implied and Realized Volatility“ Link