Investment Account

Goal of the course is to present to students practical aspects of investing. There are three main topics merging finance, accounting, financial mathematics and Excel together. The course consists of three blocks: a) portfolio optimization – Markowitz model, b) business plan analysis, c) firm valuation with use of discounted cash flow method. The course is run as a practical workshop – students in groups prepare and present reports, which are the basis for passing.

The final grade is awarded on the basis of reports from each of the three blocks. Additional points may be gained for the outcome of the optimal investment portfolio constructed in block 1.

Students may be absent twice during the semester. If they miss more meetings, they have to explain they absences and have to write an essay on the subject connected with the problems studied in the course. In each block students can miss one meeting. If they are absent more than once, they have to write an essay about issues concerning this block.

Block A: Portfolio optimization – Markowitz model:

-          Assignment

-          Markowitz model

Block B: Business plan:

-          Assignment